Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a diamond in the rough.

having just reread my previous post,
i feel like a complete and utter fool.
why must i always figure this out afterwards?
i guess its better late than never.
i have absolutely no feelings left for 'the guy'
infact i'm so sick of the way guys are atm.
finding a perfect guy is really like finding a diamond in the rough.

Last night i was watching americas next top model,
and i was so absorbed in it,
i forgot i was in another country, and in another bed.
then the commercial comes on
and i just think.. "oh.. right.. i'm in korea aren't i?"
LOL. i guess just the fact that i have to rely on myself,
and the fact that its always the same routine,
just made me feel more secure.
and made where i'm staying, just feel like home to me.
it's scaring me! lol
i NEED to go back home.
but i just thought, how cool would it be
if the girls came over to korea for our 21st.
i could show them around, and after,
they don't have to go to a hotel or whatever,
they can just crash at mine!
i mean its not too small.
and i'm sure we'd be spending more time outside it then inside it.
but that means i gotta stay a year..
and am i up for teaching for another 6 months?
i mean its not that hard..
it's just the fact that i'm going to HAVE to.

ugh.. i'm just so tired.
despite the fact that i tried to sleep early last night.. 11pm
i fell asleep around 3am, and again woke up at 12pm
which meant i had to catch the taxi to school..
and thats not cheap either! it's just over 10 dollars..
and i guess it doesn't sound like too much,
but think about it.. if i caught the taxi everyday..
$10 x 5days x 4weeks.. = 200 dollars!
which is like 2 pairs of really nice shoes!
and come to think of it.. i've caught the taxi like 10 times already!!
thats like $100!! argh! enuff! lol

ugh i have class in like 30 minutes..
don't make me! T_T
so much for exercising this morning haha..
and tonight i just feel like getting fried chicken :P
but i don't know whether to or not,
because tmr night or it might be sat,
i'm staying at a friends house,
and we are definitely getting fried chicken then..
but i duno if i can wait! HA!
but i'm supposed to be saving money T_T
i'm going to go back home with NO MONEY..
that's why you girls should come here! lol
theres tonnes of shopppppping.. come on! lol

anyway, this post is getting too long.. haha
and despite what you sed cecie, about having to allow comments on here,,
i'm going to take it off soon!
how embarrassing to find no one reads my blog!
i guess i should publicise it,
but i'm scared people i don't want reading it..
will read it! lol.
anyhooo ciao~! have a good day
xoxo gossip girl..HAHAHA jokes..
xoxo yooooonah
............................................................................................................honesty is the best policy