Sunday, February 8, 2009

fly me home

it hasn't even been a week,
but i am home sick..
well i'm not really home sick,
more like people sick..
i miss everyone
and the fact that i am actually sick isn't helping
i have a fever and sore throat.. :(

we started classes a few days ago
they're pretty fun
and corny at the same time
we learn little games to help us teach
and stuff like that.. haha

there are/were 2 hot guys..
one he's not hot anymore lol,
after getting to know him, he's more a little brother
the other one, he's really arsehole-y
he knows he's good looking haha..
but he's still good eye-candy :)

yesterday we went to the blue house,
which is like the white house only different lol.
and we got back last night at 6pm
and ever since then i've been lounging around my room
watching dvds, sleeping, eating a bazillion vitamin c tablets
and taking antibiotics and drinking water.
might i add i didn't have dinner last night
cos all my friends went out so i didn't want to eat dinner by myself
how embarrassing lol.
and i missed breakfast this morning
and they're not providing lunch today
so my bro had to walk for like 2 hours to get pizza for us haha

tomorrow we start classes agen
and on tuesday we're getting our health check up
my first blood test

i'll let you know how much it hurts. :P
............................................................................................................honesty is the best policy