Monday, January 5, 2009

so much to say, it's all crammed in my head!

wow, i have so much that's been going on, but cos there's soo much, i've forgotten most of it.
let me get started right away:
on friday night cecie and christina came over for dinner and a movie,
i swear me must be subconciously thinking about vampires all the time,
because we unknowingly chose a horror movie about vampires, lol
i swear we didn't choose it on purpose, we actually skipped past all the vampire ones, oh well.. lol
then the next day, i had to get up at 5.30 to get to work by 6am!
6am-3pm, it doesn't sound as bad as it may seem. the hours go by quite quick!

this week i think will be the last week i work full time
i WAS going to work till next week but i cbf!
i swear 2-11pm everyday will make you go bananas,
especially if the people you work with are crap!

hmmmm what else.. i missed church yesterday, which means i didn't see the guy
i dunno if thats a good or bad thing, cos i do wanna see if i have any feelings left
but then i really don't want to know at the same time, cos if i do,
then it'll be that much harder to leave. (classified info) LOL

i've just gotten home from work, my head is pounding with blood, and my legs and feet are throbbing,, also with blood haha..

the 6 kilos i have lost? i think i've gained 2 back. hahaha
maan i need to get better scales, you weigh yourself, and it says one thing, you weigh yourself agen to see if its accurate, then it comes up with something totally different. oh well, it shows your average weight.

i changed my layout! hope you like it.
ciao for now.xx sweet dreamsz..
............................................................................................................honesty is the best policy